Case Study

Perfocal Partners with Adeva To Expand Internationally and Secure a Series A Funding Round

Founded in 2015, Perfocal is a VC-backed, UK-based online marketplace that’s shaping the photography space. The company has built a Photography-as-a-Service platform that bridges the gap between professional photographers and the growing demand for high-quality photography services, making both hiring and working as a freelance photographer easier than ever before. While the Perfocal platform initially met the core needs of its customers, the company’s ambitions to expand internationally and break into the B2B sector required substantial enhancements and adjustments.

Facing these challenges, Perfocal discovered Adeva's global talent network as the ideal partner to facilitate their strategic scaling and expansion efforts. This case study explores Perfocal's journey through these challenges and the strategic decisions that enabled the company to expand successfully.


We needed an engineer with CTO potential, who could lead remote engineering teams professionally and confidently. Adeva matched us with someone that really wanted to own the product and drive the vision.


Perfocal developed a platform that addressed customer needs, but to scale globally and move into the B2B market, they needed to make enhancements. The company encountered difficulties in hiring via staffing agencies that failed to deliver high-profile candidates.


Perfocal partnered with Adeva, a global talent network known for quickly connecting companies with seasoned tech professionals. What stood out for Perfocal was Adeva's deep understanding of their hiring needs, technical demands, and team dynamics. Adeva's detailed talent evaluation process ensured all suggested candidates had the required technical expertise and the leadership qualities Perfocal needed. The option to choose between part-time and full-time contracts was another huge benefit.


  • Developed a robust platform designed for extensive market growth and global reach
  • Enhanced team efficiency, allowing both lead and remote teams to work faster
  • Accelerated product development, which led to faster, more impactful product launches
  • Positioned Perfocal for successful Series A funding


Scaling Engineering Teams for International Expansion

Described as an ‘Uber for photographers,’ Perfocal connects businesses and individuals needing photography services with skilled freelance photographers. The platform has coverage across the UK, with full-spectrum specialisms ranging from wedding photography to real estate. Its on-demand model is gearing up for a launch in the US market, where it holds special appeal for business clients.

Perfocal built a highly functional platform that satisfied core requirements for its clients and freelancers; however, they wanted to future-proof their design to support further market expansion and internationalization at pace, especially in the opportunity-ripe U.S. market.

This would require hiring a Lead Engineer with CTO potential who had a track record of leading high-visibility projects in disruptive growth industries and an ability to step up and own the process.

After consulting with many staffing agencies, Perfocal hit a roadblock. They were overwhelmed by aggressive sales tactics, flooded with too many CVs, and struggled to find a partner who truly understood their requirements.


Perfocal Finds a Trusted Partner in Adeva.

Perfocal wanted to work with a partner who understood their goals, technical needs, and team dynamics. They found that partner in Adeva. With an immense tech background and founded by engineers, Adeva understood clearly what Perfocal needed. This deep understanding allowed them to identify the right lead engineer who was highly skilled to fit Perfocal’s unique needs.

Adeva's rigorous talent evaluation process was a significant advantage for Perfocal. Their high standards, with a comprehensive screening process covering background checks, performance assessments, and compliance evaluation, saved Perfocal considerable time in vetting candidates. The triple-vetted tech consultants streamlined the hiring process, which became highly efficient due to their refined selection criteria. This allowed Perfocal swift access to a top-tier lead engineer who was ready to hit the ground running.

Within two business days, Perfocal found the specialist who integrated seamlessly into a team-leader role and strategically positioned the platform for scale. The candidate had CTO potential and could lead engineering teams professionally and confidently.


New Scalable Platform, New Products, and Big-Money Series A Foundings

In just a few weeks, the engineer they contracted via Adeva had already outlined key processes for the engineering team at Perfocal. This fast integration marked a significant step forward for the company.

The lead engineer's in-depth analysis offered Perfocal a clear view of their scaling strategy. It pinpointed where to focus on team and product development for a stable future. They provided detailed plans for necessary updates and worked closely with the team to overcome development challenges. This effort highlighted the long-term benefits of these updates for the product.

Perfocal is now looking forward to tackling new tech projects, like advanced image processing and AI. They highly value the lead engineer's drive to improve the product. Thanks to the senior contractor they hired through Adeva, product development has picked up pace, which has led to quicker and more effective launches. This blend of tech skills and leadership was key to Perfocal's growth.

With a Series A funding round on the horizon, Perfocal’s founders feel they now have a better story to tell investors. Their platform's advanced architecture supports growth and opens doors for new product development. This is essential for making a convincing case during the funding pitch. The key to attracting investors is a unified tech team, united by a shared vision; such cohesion and clarity of purpose are recognized as critical assets for potential expansion.

“Our success would not have been possible without a talented improvement person who brought us the best of both worlds: tech resilience in a scale-up environment and quality team leadership. It’s all thanks to Adeva.”

Tony Xu, Founder and Managing Director, Perfocal

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