Technical Authors Program

Join us to share your expertise in leadership, software engineering management, and software engineering. Attracting authors who shape the future of tech.

Apply Now
  • Overview
  • Audience
  • What should I write about?
  • Guidelines
  • Nonacceptance
  • Submission Tips
  • Content Examples

Our blog attracts over 50K views monthly from a sophisticated audience, including CTOs, VPs of Engineering, Chief Innovation Officers, Engineering Managers, and Project Leads. These readers are experts in product and technology, eager to innovate within their roles and advance their careers. Our goal is to provide a space where seasoned professionals can share their knowledge with a dynamic and growing community.

Contributing to our blog offers prestige and an excellent platform to share your insights in technical leadership, software engineering, and product development. By contributing to our blog, you gain exposure and a chance to enhance your professional portfolio.

If you are representing an ecosystem, a technology company, or providing open-source software, make sure to check our partner programs - they provide strategic guidance on how you can increase your exposure and be more successful within the Adeva ecosystem.

Please review our writing guidelines and submission process before sending us your pitch.

Our primary audience is high-level executives, leaders in product and tech, and tech professionals. They are interested in topics that educate them on how to increase effectiveness, gain knowledge, reduce costs, manage others, innovate, progress in their careers, and more.

We are seeking insightful contributions, and subject matter experts across three pivotal sections: Technical Leadership, Engineering Management, and Software Engineering. In the Technical Leadership section, we are particularly interested in topics that explore strategic decision-making in technology, leveraging technology like AI, leading high-performance teams, and cultural and team dynamics. These should encompass leadership strategies, innovation, and industry best practices tailored for technology leaders.

The Software Engineering section is dedicated to offering in-depth insights on development cycles and effective strategies for team management, including building and scaling engineering teams. Additionally, we welcome discussions on emerging areas such as artificial intelligence, new open-source technology, technology trends, security & performance, and technical debt management. These topics should provide valuable guidance and innovative perspectives for software development managers striving for efficiency and effectiveness in their roles.

Focus areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Team
    • Culture, engagement, motivation
    • Diversity & Inclusion,
    • Hiring, onboarding, retention,
    • Managing teams,
    • Mentoring, coaching & feedback
  • Tech
    • Architecture & microservices
    • Building better software
    • Legacy, technical debt, migrations
    • Scaling software & systems
    • Technical direction & strategy
  • Processes
    • Agile & other ways of working
    • Code reviews & documentation
    • Monitoring & observability
    • Productivity & Eng velocity
    • Technical decision making
  • Careers
    • Communication & relationships
    • Continuous learning
    • Professional development
    • Self-care & burnout
    • Skills for new managers

Feel free to propose subjects outside this scope but make sure they align with our audience's interests.

Here are some general tips for our writers. Keep them in mind both when sending your idea and when writing your article if we accept your pitch.

  • Your content should be unique and provide real value to the reader.
  • Quality over quantity. Every word you type should bring meaning.
  • The content should be readable. Make sure you use headings, and shorter sentences, and divide your text into smaller paragraphs.
  • Please make your content data-rich. Use relevant data, including reports and case studies, to support your claims.
  • When using external research, please state your source.
  • Don't forget to write and include your short biography at the end of the text.
  • The minimum word count is 1,500 words.

Once your content is published on our website, it becomes the sole property of Adeva. You may use it as a reference source, or share it externally with a canonical link (URL) that leads to the original blog post page.

If you submit an application and do not hear from our content team within two weeks, your application has not been approved.

Even if your initial application is approved, your final post can be declined by the content team if it is not written according to our guidelines.

Authors who are new to the program will not be allowed to send a second pitch until their first post has been successfully published on the website.

What we don't accept:

  • Interview-style posts.
  • Opinion-based stories.
  • Posts that have already been published on another website.
  • Posts that are irrelevant to our target audience.
  • Posts that have been generated entirely by artificial intelligence (AI).
  • Entirely technical posts, such as those detailing programming languages, specific coding practices, or deep technical concepts aimed at software developers.

Read carefully the following guidelines to learn more about the content submission process:

  • Fill out the application form.
  • Make sure you provide a detailed outline for your post. We do not accept posts that have a missing or vague outline. Finished posts that have not been previously approved by the content team will be rejected.
  • Wait for someone from the content team to reach out with the next steps.
  • If you do not hear from the content team in a few days, your submission has been rejected.
  • If your post is approved, someone from the content team will get in touch with more information on the next steps.
  • Do not start writing the post unless the content team gives you the green light.
  • Once you get the green light, you can start writing.
  • Submit the completed post for review. The post can be sent in a Google document or Dropbox Paper.
  • The content team will review it and reach out with feedback. Please give a few days for the review process to take place.
  • You will receive an email from the content team informing you whether your post has passed the review or has been rejected. For your post to be approved, make sure you follow our writing guidelines.
  • Accepted posts will be queued for publishing.
  • We only accept 100% unique content. Plagiarism or already published articles are strictly forbidden.

Keep in mind our content team reserves the right to decline your written post if you do not follow the guidelines.

Join the Engineering Leadership Writers Program today and contribute your valuable insights to a platform that connects high-scale companies with tech talent across the world.

Here are some guest posts that have been successfully published on our blog to give you an idea of what we're aiming for:

Ready to share? Please submit your details here.