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Hire the Best Remote PHP Developers

Adeva is a go-to platform for hiring PHP developers, engineers, programmers, architects, and consultants. Adeva helps CTOs, VPs, and managers at top companies find PHP developers, for their mission-critical projects.

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Where Agility Meets Expertise — Tap Into World-Class PHP Talent


Exclusive PHP Talent

All our talent are seasoned experts who ramp up quickly, contribute as core team members, and minimize onboarding time.


Flexible Engagements

Choose hourly, part-time, or full-time engagements with the flexibility to change anytime.


The Right Fit

We excel at matching you with the right talent. Start working with your new hire on a 14-day no-risk trial period.


Seamless Hiring

We handle all aspects of billing, payments and NDA’s. Let us take care of the overhead while you focus on building great products.


Scale on Your Terms

Hire talent within 48 hours and scale your team up or down as needed, no strings attached.


PHP Ecosystem Experts

Being involved in various PHP events, conferences, and meetup groups, we’re deeply rooted in the community.

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Meet Adeva PHP Developers

How to Hire PHP Developers Through Adeva


Talk to One of Our Experts

One of our team members will get in touch with you to discuss your needs.


Work with Top Talent

Within days, you'll be matched with the best professionals for your project.


Guaranteed Satisfaction

Work with your new team members to ensure your project's success.

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Frequently Asked Questions
  • Q. What makes PHP Developers different at Adeva?

    At Adeva, we thoroughly screen our PHP Developers to ensure we match you with talent of the highest caliber. Of the more than 10,000 people who apply to join the Adeva network each year, only 1 in 10 make the cut. You’ll work with engineering experts (never generalized recruiters or HR reps) to understand your goals, technical needs, and team dynamics. The end result: expert-vetted talent from our network, custom-matched to fit your business needs.

  • Q. How quickly can I hire a PHP Developer?

    Depending on availability and how fast you can progress, you could start working with a PHP Developer within 48 hours of signing up.

  • Q. Where do I hire the best PHP Developers?

    There are two types of platforms you can hire PHP Developers from: general and niche marketplaces. General platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Gigster offer a variety of non-vetted talents unlimited to developers. While you can find PHP Developers on general platforms, top tech talents generally avoid general marketplaces in order to escape bidding wars. If you’re looking to hire the best PHP Developers, consider niche platforms like Adeva that naturally attract and carefully vet their PHP Developers for hire. This way, you’ll save time and related hiring costs by only interviewing the most suitable PHP Developers candidates. Some factors to consider when you hire PHP Developers include the platform’s specialty, developer’s geographical location, and the service’s customer support. Depending on your hiring budget, you may also want to compare the pricing and fee structure. Make sure to list out all of the important factors when you compare and decide on which developer job board and platform to use to find PHP Developers for hire.

  • Q. How does Adeva vet a PHP Developers?

    Adeva has a rigorous and transparent vetting process for all types of developers. To become a vetted PHP Developer for hire on Adeva, developers must pass a profile screening, complete a behavioral interview, and pass a technical interview or pair programming. If you’re using Adeva to hire PHP Developers, you can rest assured that all PHP Developers have been thoroughly vetted for the high-caliber communication and technical skills you need in a successful hire.

  • Q. What is the no-risk trial period for PHP Developers?

    We ensure that each engagement between you and your PHP Developer begins with a trial period of up to two weeks. This means you have time to confirm the engagement will be successful. If you’re completely satisfied with the results, we’ll bill you for the time and continue the engagement for as long as you’d like. If you’re not completely satisfied, you won’t be billed. From there, we can either part ways or provide you with another expert who may be a better fit and begin a second, no-risk trial.

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How to Hire PHP Developers?

According to recent data, PHP powers 78.9% of all websites with a known server-side programming language. This means that 8 out of every 10 websites that you visit on the internet and using PHP.

Even some of the largest tech leaders in the global economy like Slack, Wordpress, and Facebook are all using PHP.

On the plus side, the latest versions of PHP make this programming language faster than ever.

PHP works with all major operating systems, including Linux, Windows, macOS, RISC OS, and others. It also has support for most of the web servers that we have today (Apache, IIS, etc.).

Maybe the strongest and most significant feature of PHP is that it supports a wide range of databases such as MySql and MongoDB.

All in all, PHP is a great pick as it can save you money and time while still empowering software development teams with flexibility and scalability.

Currently, the total number of PHP developers worldwide is 6.1 million.

That's a wide talent pool to choose from.

How do you identify which of the bunch are top-notch and a great pick for your company?

Here are all the major challenges you may be confronted with when hiring PHP developers.

hire php developer

So how do you hire PHP Developers?

Hiring PHP Developers Is a Tricky Process

If you ever had to hire someone, you must have wondered: 'Why is hiring the right talent so difficult? Shouldn't this be easier?'

Hiring the right talent is especially challenging in the tech industry. Not only do you have to find the ideal candidate with the right technical skills, but there's also the pressure of hiring fast. In a competitive industry such as the tech industry, you must scale fast and move things forward. Failing to do so can be a recipe for disaster.

If we look at recent research, we'll see that it takes 66 days on average to hire a developer using the traditional way, with at least 30 interview reviews. The time to hire PHP developer increases as you add in other factors such as the size of your company, location, and the seniority level of the role.

Hiring one or two PHP developers can be easier as you can always ask for a referral from friends. Things tend to get trickier when you have to hire top PHP developers in high volume.

One solution is to work with a company that can shorten the extensive hiring process to a one-week procedure.

Staying Within Budget Can Narrow Your Talent Pool

Let's speak truthfully for a moment:

Quality comes at a price.

Like all high-quality things in life, whether a top-rated gadget or a piece of art, hiring expert PHP developers is not an affordable venture.

Even if you set up clear requirements and responsibilities, hiring great talent has a hefty price tag. Not only will you spend a great deal of $$$ on advertising the job opening and the hourly rate of a recruiter, but there are also drug screens, background checks, and pre-employment assessment tests.

Well-established companies with deep enough pockets may have an easier time hiring technical talent. Companies that are trying to break into the market and position themselves as a competitive business don't have the luxury to overspend.

What you need is a faster and more efficient hiring process that will help you hire PHP web developers in a cost-effective manner.

Evaluating Technical Skills Is Another Drawback

Here's the thing:

There's not one pre-formulated approach to hiring PHP developers. You need to tailor your questions carefully — it's not one size fits all. Hiring for a junior position requires a different approach than hiring for a senior role.

To make things worse, it's common for candidates to inflate their technical skills just to get hired.

In addition to sifting through pages and pages of resumes, there's nothing to guarantee that what you see on the resume is the whole story.

The evaluation process gets even trickier when you try to hire for cultural fit. How do you measure which candidate shares your company's values, beliefs, and behaviors? This part is as challenging as vetting for technical skills.

How Adeva Simplifies the Process of Hiring PHP Developers

Adeva is the fastest and safest way to find top PHP developers for hire. After carefully reviewing the Job Description you send us, we’ll handpick highly qualified candidates from our exclusive talent network.

Each PHP developer for hire will be evaluated through a detailed screening process executed by our technical team.


  • Simplify sourcing, screening, payroll, and billing to save you time and money.
  • Work with developers globally, so our pricing is more affordable than any staffing agency or consultancy company.
  • Help you hire dedicated PHP developers to augment your team without the high cost of permanent full-time hires.
  • Ensure you get the right fit and keep your projects on track.

Why Hire PHP Developers through Adeva?

Here's what you can expect to get when working with Adeva:

  • Release Faster - Hiring flexible PHP Developers will help you meet aggressive deadlines by speeding up your project execution times. You will get skilled mobile developers quickly and allow your company to thrive.
  • Hire From Local Communities - The entire world becomes your talent pool. You can hire a PHP developer smarter, faster, and more cost-effectively. Instead of putting together an average local team, you can put together a global all-star team that will be skilled to outperform the competition.
  • Improved Work Quality - Build high-quality applications and create tangible results – every hour and every day. Deliver work based on a solid foundation in computer science fundamentals, from data structures and algorithms to design patterns.

Who Are Our PHP Developers

Here are some of the traits you can expect to find in our PHP developers:

  • Ambition to improve - They have a strong willingness to learn and experiment with new technologies. They are self-driven, self-sufficient, and actively look for ways to contribute and get things done.
  • Commitment to excellence - Our PHP developers for hire have a genuine appetite for technical learning and growth. They will bring all of their skills to the table to develop elegant, resilient, tested, and secure applications. You can be sure they will approach engineering work with a security lens and actively look for vulnerabilities both in the code and when providing code reviews.
  • Great communication and collaboration skills - Our developers can work closely with other engineers, QA, and product managers to help develop and enhance your software development solutions.
  • Problem-solving attitude - They don't just write code. They provide thoughtful thinking and strategies in effectively resolving problems and issues. They are not afraid to take ownership of incidents that fall in their domain or provide assistance to others in resolving incidents.
  • Passion for technology - They are constantly seeking to learn and improve their skill set. They stay up-to-date with the current trends in order to work more efficiently and obtain progress and success.

Who Are Our PHP Developers

Here are some of the traits you can expect to find in our PHP developers:

  • Ambition to improve - They have a strong willingness to learn and experiment with new technologies. They are self-driven, self-sufficient, and actively look for ways to contribute and get things done.
  • Commitment to excellence - Our PHP developers for hire have a genuine appetite for technical learning and growth. They will bring all of their skills to the table to develop elegant, resilient, tested, and secure applications. You can be sure they will approach engineering work with a security lens and actively look for vulnerabilities both in the code and when providing code reviews.
  • Great communication and collaboration skills - Our developers can work closely with other engineers, QA, and product managers to help develop and enhance your software development solutions.
  • Problem-solving attitude - They don't just write code. They provide thoughtful thinking and strategies in effectively resolving problems and issues. They are not afraid to take ownership of incidents that fall in their domain or provide assistance to others in resolving incidents.
  • Passion for technology - They are constantly seeking to learn and improve their skill set. They stay up-to-date with the current trends in order to work more efficiently and obtain progress and success.

Benefits For Business

PHP helps businesses create dynamic websites with plenty of functionalities. Whether it is customized E-commerce solutions or CRM applications, PHP can transform their online presence, dynamically.

Over 80% of the largest eCommerce, social media, and wiki sites use PHP as their engine. Facebook, Amazon, and Wikipedia started on PHP and still use the language extensively. Startup businesses, advertising agencies, and small software organizations are the most popular industries where PHP is widely used.

PHP is designed for building web applications. There’s no need for additional servers, processors, or tricks. On top of everything, new tools, frameworks, and libraries are being created every day to make the code easier to understand and more elegant.

Reasons for Using PHP in Your Web Development

Still not convinced that PHP is the right tech for scaling your project? Maybe the following facts can change your mind:

  • Strong community: PHP has an active and dynamic community of developers that can lend a helping hand if you come across any issues.
  • Reduced development costs: PHP’s tools are open-source software. You can build prototypes and ready websites at full speed.
  • There’s a plethora of frameworks to choose from: There are many frameworks to choose from when working with PHP. For simpler projects, you can use Lumen or Slim. For more complex applications, you have Laravel or Symfony. All these PHP frameworks allow you to build web apps faster.
  • It works with all major operating systems: PHP code works with all major operating systems. This includes Linux, Microsoft Windows, macOS, RISC OS, and others. PHP also has support for most of the web servers that we have today like Apache, IIS, and many others.
  • Many guidelines are available on the internet: Many PHP guidelines are available online. Developers can seek help in different PHP blogs, forums, and PHP web development online libraries.
  • You can expand your website functionalities: the functionality of your website can easily be extended. There are plenty of extensions and libraries that are available on the web, for free. You can also add custom extensions to the PHP source code, hassle-free.

Most popular PHP frameworks

Developers today need to create complex websites and apps that can take too much time and hassle to build. They needed a more structured and natural way of development. PHP frameworks came into the picture as an adequate solution to developers’ nightmares.

There is a wide range of frameworks to choose from when working with PHP code. If you need something simpler you can use Lumen or Slim. If you need something that supports complicated applications, you have Laravel or Symfony.

  1. Laravel – a relatively new PHP framework, a recent survey voted it the most popular framework among developers.
  2. Symfony – used by many impressive projects, this framework has a wide developer community.
  3. CodeIgniter – a lightweight PHP framework, it works nicely on almost all shared and dedicated hosting platforms
  4. Yii 2 – a great choice if you’re looking to give a boost to the performance of your site as it’s faster than other PHP frameworks.
  5. Phalcon – delivered as a C-extension, this framework can reach the highest level of performance optimization possible.
  6. CakePHP – an excellent tool for creating web apps that need high-level of security.
  7. Zend Framework – coming with a number of cool features, this is an excellent framework for more complex projects.
  8. Slim – used by many PHP programmers for developing RESTful APIs and services, it’s excellent for smaller apps.

“When I choose a framework, I am looking for something that is easy to work with, has a strong community, high-quality learning resources, features that would speed up the development process and the way the code is structured and written. Now that I’ve worked with Laravel for more than 3 years, I can’t imagine myself without it.” – Davor Minchorov, Senior Software Engineer at Adeva