Women in tech: The First Female Bootcamp in Macedonia is here!

by Anita Kirkovska

3 min read

We are very pleased to announce that we are initiating The First Female Bootcamp in Macedonia!

And we are so excited!?

With this project, we will help young women get into tech with confidence, by creating a vibrant community, building capabilities and access to the right resources.

We believe that through the power of the office of diversity and community engagement, we can create an environment where everyone can feel empowered. And here we are, on our next adventure and mission to give back to the community.

So, what is the plan? ✊

Our goal is to promote education by creating awareness and opportunities for young women to launch successful tech careers. An experienced team is going to lead the project and will help women thrive in the tech world. Making things even better, we've managed to get consultants from top global tech companies and organizations such as Google, StackOverflow, SAP, Udacity, UNICEF and NASA Datanauts to help us create the best program. 

To successfully raise awareness and provide women with a personalized path to a software engineering career, we are going to run this initiative in two phases:

Adeva Female Bootcamp Phases

This initiative is a non-profitable and the selected students will learn at no-cost. 

Why this project for women in tech, you may ask? ?

According to many research studies, one can easily conclude that the tech world is still mostly male populated. While the rate of obtaining STEM degrees for women is higher than the one for men, they still struggle to find the motivation to join and then stay in the tech industry. We still have a low female participation in the tech industry, with women holding only 25% of computing jobs. Computing occupations have been declining since 1991, and from then to 2018 they dropped by 11%.

At Adeva, only 24% of our total job applicants are women. We know that we need to do something about it. We must help create a better ecosystem where women would be perceived as equal counterparts in the workplace and on leadership positions.

How can you get involved? 

Today we are going live with our awareness phase on the official Bootcamp website!

We invite all of you to help raise discussion on social media, in our communities and in your homes. If you want to support the program or to show interest in participating, you can do that by registering on the page.

Details about the program??

More details about the program will follow in the next period. So, make sure to follow the social pages for the Bootcamp (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) for news and updates.

Can we count on you to create diversity in the tech office together?

Anita Kirkovska
Anita Kirkovska
Digital Marketing, Community Building
  • Bootstrap

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