
Balancing Project Pivots with Independent Contractors in Tech Projects

by Tosho Trajanov

9 min read

Project evolution is a vital aspect of maintaining competitiveness and promoting innovation in tech. Yet, embracing change is challenging. Shifts in project focus often lead to disruptions in established workflows, stretch existing resources thin, and result in skill gaps that may impede progress.

Executives are finding ways to overcome these, making their initiatives resilient. At the heart of navigating these challenges, companies are increasingly adopting strategies for onboarding independent talent. These strategies are crucial in bridging skill gaps, as they help companies get the expertise they need to facilitate smooth transitions in project focus.

In this post, we’ll explore how independent contractors are an essential “tool,” either as part of the natural project process or as a risk management strategy. We’ll see how their engagement is key to making sure businesses adapt to change and thrive in it, maintaining agility and driving innovation.

Successful Pivots in Tech

Many successful businesses have adopted agility as essential for growth, which has led them to embrace pivots. Burbn, initially a multifaceted HTML5 application, narrowed its focus to become Instagram, a platform that would redefine social interactions. Tote, once an m-commerce app, discovered its users were captivated by its visual elements. It evolved into Pinterest, a hub for visual discovery that has since attracted millions globally. Slack, born from the gaming project "Glitch," found its niche in business communication.

The narrative of agility extends to industry titans as well. IBM, facing challenges with its hardware division, shifted its emphasis to software and IT consulting. Netflix, responding to shifts in media consumption and technological advancements, moved from DVD rentals to dominate the streaming space. All of these examples prove that strategic shifts are crucial for enduring success across the tech spectrum.

The Growing Role of Independent Contractors in Tech Companies

In recent years, the employment landscape has seen a significant shift towards hiring independent contractors, especially in the tech industry. A McKinsey survey reveals that 36% of the U.S. workforce, or about 58 million Americans, are now working independently. Globally, this trend is mirrored, with companies increasingly relying on contract-based employment.

The Rise of Independent Talent

The recent wave of layoffs in the tech sector has led to a noticeable increase in the number of independent contractors. Many professionals affected by these layoffs are transitioning into the IC industry, finding new opportunities as part-time workers or consultants. This trend is highlighted in The Seattle Times' interviews with former Amazon employees, who, after being laid off, have successfully reentered the workforce in these flexible roles.

In the tech sector, there has been a shift toward hiring independent contractors, with contract job listings jumping from less than 6% in January 2021 to nearly 20% by October 2022. This move towards independent professionals is driven by the need for flexibility, specialized skills, and the ability to quickly adapt to market changes, among other things. 

The Strategic Advantage of Independent Contractors in Project Pivots

In managing project pivots, various strategies are essential. These include realigning goals, adjusting scopes, and streamlining communication for quicker adaptation. Re-skilling existing teams to address new skills gaps is also crucial.

In this mix, independent contractors play a vital role. They bring specific skills and expertise needed during transitions by filling gaps in existing teams. Independent contractors can offer the flexibility to quickly scale up or down as project directions change to provide fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

Also, their ability to join projects swiftly skips the lengthy processes of hiring full-time employees. 

In the following section, we’ll explore the key advantages of using independent contractors during project pivots, and we’ll highlight their impact on ensuring smooth transitions.

Quick Response to Market Changes

Independent contractors play a crucial role in empowering companies to swiftly adapt to market fluctuations and regulatory changes. Their ability to quickly pivot and address these challenges is essential for staying ahead. Businesses can navigate the complexities of the market with confidence and remain competitive and compliant, regardless of the pace or direction of change.

Specialized Skills and Fast Hiring

Leveraging independent contractors is an effective strategy for businesses that want to populate their projects with specialized skills swiftly to avoid the often lengthy and resource-intensive process of hiring and training full-time employees. This approach enables companies to respond rapidly to immediate project demands and enhances their agility and competitiveness within their industry. By adopting this method, businesses gain the flexibility to adapt their workforce to the evolving needs of their projects. They can capitalize on new opportunities and maintain a leading edge, all while optimizing operational efficiency and reducing overhead costs.

Scaling Up and Down as Needed

Independent contractors are also a dynamic and flexible solution for businesses aiming to tailor their workforce to the fluctuating demands of projects or to the changing market conditions. In the tech industry, where trends and project scopes evolve at a rapid pace, the ability to scale workforce size up or down without the limitations imposed by a permanent staff structure becomes invaluable. This adaptability allows companies to remain agile by responding promptly to new developments and maintaining a competitive edge. By leveraging independent contractors, organizations can ensure they have the right talent at the right time and align their resources efficiently with their immediate needs and strategic goals.

Innovation and Creativity

Independent contractors often have diverse experiences and fresh perspectives that can enrich the project development process with innovative ideas and creative solutions. Their exposure to various industries and projects equips them with unique insights that can challenge conventional thinking and inspire new approaches. This infusion of different viewpoints promotes an environment where creativity flourishes, which can lead to groundbreaking developments. Companies can leverage this diversity to encourage a culture of innovation. This ensures their projects exceed the evolving demands of the market and set new benchmarks in excellence.


Using independent contractors provides a cost-effective solution for companies during expansion phases, where building a full-time, in-house team can be expensive and risky. This strategy allows businesses to tap into local expertise and insights without the long-term financial commitment of permanent staff. Independent contractors can quickly adapt to the project needs, offering flexibility and agility that is crucial during the expansion phase. By leveraging independent contractors, companies can efficiently navigate new territories and ensure a smoother and more financially manageable entry into uncharted markets.

Potential Challenges and Mitigations in Integrating Independent Contractors

Pivoting a tech project and integrating independent contractors into teams can be a transformative strategy for companies. 

However, this approach comes with its own set of challenges. Understanding and mitigating the challenges of managing independent contractors is crucial for a smooth transition and successful integration.

Challenge #1: Integration with Existing Teams

Successfully integrating independent contractors into established teams is another challenge leaders need to address. It involves making sure new members seamlessly align with existing workflows and team dynamics while collectively working towards the same project goals.

Leaders can facilitate this integration by adopting several strategies. First, clear communication of roles, expectations, and project objectives to all team members sets a solid foundation for collaboration. Employing collaborative tools can significantly improve teamwork and promote a collaborative relationship between independent contractors and permanent staff. What’s more, scheduling regular check-ins provides an opportunity to assess the progress of integration and address any emerging issues promptly.

Challenge #2: Ensuring Continuous Project Delivery and Quality

Keeping the project train running smoothly with a mix of permanent and contract staff is a juggling act. It's crucial to maintain a steady pace and quality despite the shifting team composition.

Leaders should implement robust monitoring and feedback mechanisms to allow for real-time tracking of project progress. Embracing agile methodologies enables the team to respond quickly to changes, sustaining project velocity and adaptability. Additionally, regular evaluations of project deliverables against benchmarks guarantee consistent, high-quality standards so that the project meets its objectives and delivers value consistently.

Challenge #3: Mismatch of Skills and Project Requirements

Aligning the specific skills of independent contractors with the precise needs of a project is critical. A mismatch can lead to inefficiencies, which can potentially hamper project progress and outcomes.

Leaders can tackle this issue head-on by adopting a few strategic measures. First, it's imperative to clearly outline the project's needs and the skill sets required to meet these demands. Implementing a structured process for evaluating both the technical and soft skills of independent contractors makes sure that only those whose capabilities align with project needs are brought on board. In addition, conducting regular reviews of project goals alongside the contributions of independent contractors helps maintain alignment so that every piece of the puzzle fits perfectly.

Challenge #4: Security and Confidentiality Concerns

Introducing independent contractors to a project often involves sharing sensitive information, which raises valid concerns about data security and confidentiality. It's crucial to manage these risks to protect intellectual property and maintain client trust.

Leaders can address these concerns through several critical actions. Firstly, the implementation and strict enforcement of security protocols and confidentiality agreements are fundamental steps to protect sensitive data. Additionally, providing independent contractors with thorough training on data protection and intellectual property policies ensures they understand the importance of these measures. Lastly, continuously monitoring and updating security practices to align with industry standards helps in maintaining a robust defense against potential breaches.

Partnering with Adeva streamlines the integration of independent contractors into projects. Adeva's thorough vetting process secures a perfect match in terms of both technical skills and cultural fit. They prioritize security with extensive background checks and facilitate easy team integration with seasoned professionals. There’s a swift 72-hour matching process and quick replacements to ensure reliability and efficiency.


The role of independent contractors in adapting to project changes is crucial for staying innovative and competitive. This post has shown that independent contractors are key for filling skill gaps and helping businesses adapt and thrive amidst change. 

From the big pivots of industry giants to the smaller shifts in startups, the need for agility is universal. 

Independent contractors offer the expertise and flexibility needed to navigate these changes effectively. Through their strategic use, companies can overcome challenges and seize new opportunities so they can remain at the forefront of innovation. 

As the tech industry continues to evolve, leveraging the talents of independent contractors will be essential for any company looking to succeed and thrive.


Q: What is a pivot in a project?
A pivot in a project is a strategic shift in direction or focus, often prompted by feedback, market conditions, or performance assessments. It involves changing the project's goals, processes, or products to better align with business objectives, customer needs, or technological advancements.
Q: What is a pivot in technology?
In technology, a pivot refers to a fundamental shift in a product, strategy, or business model, based on insights or feedback. It's a strategic move to adapt to market demands, embrace new opportunities, or address challenges. It can lead to innovation and growth by realigning resources and efforts towards more viable avenues.
Q: What changes might a business make when it pivots?
When a business pivots, it may change its product offerings, target market, business model, marketing strategy, or operational approach. This strategic shift is aimed at capturing new growth opportunities, addressing unmet customer needs, or responding to competitive challenges so that the business can remain competitive and relevant.
Tosho Trajanov
Tosho Trajanov

Tosho is a co-founder at Adeva, with over a decade of experience in the tech industry. He has partnered with diverse organizations, from nimble startups to Fortune 500 companies, to drive technological advancements and champion the effectiveness of cross-cultural, distributed teams.

  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Product Strategy
  • Software Architecture
  • Agile Methodologies
  • +4

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